How We Use AI: A Peek into Our Workflow

Puneet Badrinath
March 27, 2023
2 min read

As tempted as I am to use ChatGPT to write the first draft, and polish it, I chose to write this article myself. Nothing against ChatGPT,  in fact, our team extensively uses ChatGPT and other similar tools to boost productivity across all functions:

  • Optimise code snippets,
  • Write test cases,
  • Generate marketing collateral - videos and images,
  • Generate 360 photosphere illustrations,
  • Emails for sales and investments,
  • And this is just at the top of my head, the list goes on.

I’m writing this article myself because I need to set context for ChatGPT to get any meaningful written material from it, and just writing it out myself is far easier than setting context, and proof-reading multiple times. That being said, let me share some insights into the various ways we use AI tools in our day-to-day operations.

360 photospheres  

We struggled with good visuals for the longest time until we came across Blockade Labs, a great tool to generate 360 photospheres -> a great baseline to create 3D worlds. We will soon use generative AI images on our website for a phenomenal visual treat. It took me less than an hour!

Using AI to improve visuals

Marketing collateral engine  

We use AI at all steps of our collateral creation engine.

  • ChatGPT - churn out new ideas, especially as extensions of our existing use-cases across different sectors.
  • RunwayML, Midjourney - to generate draft collaterals in rich multimedia that is used on our collateral. Ranging from first drafts to the final cut, these tools are mighty useful.
  • Canva - Our go to no-code collateral generation engine.
Midjourney image generation for AR experience of an engine


There are many tools we are trailing to improve our productivity, especially as a small team. From writing snippets of code using Copilot to using ChatGPT to refactor code, write test cases, and improve overall code quality, AI is a gold mine for engineers to significantly improve productivity.


I’m still exploring tools that give me recommendations on my existing product for improvements. There are some napkins to wireframes tools available, but that doesn’t help us at this stage. A special callout to Figma, everyone in my team is moderately proficient, and that’s pretty impressive!


We use HI (Human Intelligence) since we are B2B and we can’t get AI to sign-off on our POs. AI can’t execute deliverables, and follow-up for payments. These are all real people's jobs.


We are integrating ChatGPT into our workflow creation process immersive walkthroughs, especially while creating digital work instructions, to translate what exists in PDFs/manuals to guided immersive workflows.

What's in store for us in the future?

As we scale, we foresee these challenges can be addressed with AI tools substantially.

  • Code documentation
  • Project planning and management
  • Internal communications

Overall, AI tools have reduced a lot of our overhead, especially in communication, making us extremely nimble and super productive. It's exciting to think about all the possibilities that AI can offer, and we're constantly exploring new ways to use it to improve our processes and operations.